Since the limit to which
an unstable lubricating oil can be upgraded by
the use of additives is restricted, the first point
of attack in gear lubricant improvement is the base
oil. However, even the most stable oils are often improved by the use of
additives. Such agents, like most things dealt with, are not ideal and thus
there is a wide field for improvement in gear lubricant additives.
Not only can it be
expected that individual
additives will be perfected which
will give better response, but combinations
of such agents will
also be improved. In this
connection, the functioning as synergistic will be increasingly important. That
is , many compounds will provide mutual
aid to another compound to a greater extent than if either
were used in a much
large proportion.
Further, there will also
be increasing recognition that
there is perhaps a very
critical optimum proportion of additives
to give the maximum response.
They have huge range of products for every imaginable cause and, what i like the most, each product goes with detailed explanation of what exactly it does.